
Plan Creation

In 2018, Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds signed into law Iowa Code Section 505.20, which allows Iowa Farm Bureau to offer a health benefit plans to its members. Iowa Farm Bureau is doing that through a wholly owned subsidiary, Farm Bureau Health Benefit Plan, LLC.

The Iowa Farm Bureau Federation is a statewide, grassroots farm organization focused on creating a vibrant future for agriculture, farm families and their communities. By supporting and promoting key areas such as family farms, environment, education, health care programs, renewable energy initiatives and more, we are working to strengthen Iowa’s communities and help ensure a good quality of life for all Iowans. For more information, visit www.iowafarmbureau.com. Since 1969 Iowa Farm Bureau has offered its members access to health coverage through a partnership with Wellmark Blue and Cross Blue Shield of Iowa. Iowa Farm Bureau members wishing to apply for coverage must contact an authorized Farm Bureau Financial Services agent or an authorized non-Farm Bureau agent.

Contact Us

Farm Bureau Health Benefit Plan, LLC
P.O. Box 9168
Des Moines, IA 50306-9168

If you have questions or are interested in applying for coverage, please contact us.